Phew! We have come a long way, counting down to the end of another 365 days. That said, what better way to wrap up an already eventful year than a memorable Christmas?

So, with all eyes now on Christmas, who doesn’t have a game plan? Everybody has their way of celebrating the world’s biggest event, from building snowmen and buying giant Christmas trees, to just chilling with family.

For YouTubers, the ultimate month of the year brings a whole new mood to the fore, and with everyone looking forward to Christmas, another event is already in full swing, we call it Vlogmas!

Whether you’re a vlogging veteran or just a newbie, sometimes you may run a little dry on ideas and could find yourself lagging in Vlogmas.

Fret not. In this blog, you’ll have a good list of ideas to help you get cracking and, perhaps, steal the show!

Sounds interesting? Let’s hop into it.

What is Vlogmas?

Here’s a quick breakdown on what Vlogmas is, for those utterly new to this. 

Vlogmas is simply a yearly event during which vloggers on YouTube prepare for Christmas by posting a video each day of December until December 24th.

Similar yearly vlogging events include VEDA (Vlogging Every Day of April) and Vlogtober. Needless to say, this is quite a handful, and while it could be challenging, it could be exciting as well!

Who initiated Vlogmas, and when did it originate?

Vlogmas was the brainchild of a YouTuber called Ingrid Nilsen. She began this tradition in 2011 as a personal challenge but has seen it get extremely popular.

Vlogmas: Why Should you Care?

A lot of people, especially the greenhorns, have questioned why they should take part in Vlogmas in the first place. Some people naturally do not like to be a part of a ‘bandwagon.’

However, with Vlogmas, it is completely different.

Let’s see why:

  • With Vlogmas, you get to put out content consistently, allowing you to push your channel and grow your audience
  • If you edit your own videos, the constant practice can easily make you a badass by the end of Christmas
  • The myriad of ideas you’ll come across will be immensely beneficial in the long run
  • You get to know what type of content works best for your audience and how to capitalize on that
  • You speed up the monetization process for your vlog

There are just so many reasons, and they’re all connected. So, why not?

Vlogmas Ideas for YouTube

Perhaps, you’ve made up your mind to get the wheels rolling on Vlogmas but have been wondering what sort of content you can put up. 

You’re not the only one who gets this bottleneck all the time. So, here’s a little help.

It all depends on the niche you vlog in. But there is a bunch of things you can do no matter what niche you’re in. It is usually best to keep your content light and fun.

Let’s use a table to break this down, shall we?

FoodChristmas Recipes You Should Try
How to Eat Healthy on Christmas
Weird Food Combinations—Christmas Edition
What not to Cook for your Grandma—Christmas Edition
(This mainly focuses on dishes that are unhealthy for the elderly in general)
DIYAwesome Christmas Decoration Ideas
How to Make a Snowman
Quickest Way to Clean up Stubborn Stains
Smartest Way To Pack your Luggage for Christmas
How to Make Cinnamon Christmas Ornaments 
How to Preserve Your Christmas Tree
Christmas Life Hacks
ReviewsBest Gifts for the Holidays
Best Outfits for Christmas Parties
Top Ten Sneakers You Should Wear this Christmas
Best Cleaning Tools for the Holidays
TravelMost Beautiful Cities for your Xmas Vacation
A series telling a little history and some interesting facts about some cool places
What Would 20 Dollars buy in Ghana (Or any country of your choice.)
LifestyleX Things you never Knew About Christmas
How Many Calories Do We Consume in Christmas
MarketingBest Christmas Ads on the Internet
How Much should you invest in Ads during Christmas
Tips for Crushing your Holiday Sales This Year
What Type of Designs Work Best for Ad Campaigns
FitnessHow To Stay in Shape During Christmas
100 Pushups / Situps A Day –Christmas Edition
X Ways to Burn that Belly Fat after Christmas
Strategic Meal Ideas for Bulking Up
You can let have a Sneak Peak into Your Morning/Night Routines
Fashion/ BeautyBest Outfits for Christmas Parties
Top X Fashion Gifts You Should Get for Christmas
You Could Take them Along on your Christmas Shopping
Trendy Christmas Hairstyle Ideas
Comedy/ EntertainmentTop X Santa Claus Pranks (With Reactions, possibly)
React to a Viral Christmas DIY Fails
Top X Funniest Christmas Commercials
PhotographyHow To Shoot Better in the Snow
Top X Christmas Photography Concepts
Best Christmas Lights for a Picture-perfect Portrait

The ideas up here are just more of an ice-breaker, seeing them should give you a hint of what you should be making, depending on your niche. 

You should also take a look at our blog post for making videos every day of December. We have a list of events happening within the month. This could also give you some great video ideas for Vlogmas!

Pro Tips: How to Get your Vlogmas Right

Indeed, Vlogmas brings an enormous well of opportunities for you as a vlogger. However, if you’d like to stay on top of your game all through this exciting challenge, you need adequate preparation and dedication.

Here are crucial things you need to pay attention to if you want to have a merry Vlogmas!

Your Competitors

Unless you vlog about the lifestyle of a crossbreed of porcupines and Chihuahuas, there are several other people doing the same thing as you do!

However, look at the brighter side: you can take advantage of that.

You should monitor the top names in your niche, and see what type of content they’re making, try to make something better than theirs.

There are many tools out there that can help you with research and strategy. SEMrush, Ubersuggest, and BuzzSumo are among the popular ones.

A Video Content Calendar

If you want to plan like a mastermind, you’d need all the tools you can get. The most important tool here is a content calendar. It allows you to set your goals accordingly and execute them in an orderly manner.

You do not have to make a calendar from scratch, though. You can use our own for free!

Create a Series

Making a series will save you the stress of having to make content from scratch. Perhaps you can produce content that covers popular Christmas elements in one series. You could cover fun facts about Santa Claus, Christmas trees, snowman, etc., in one series.

Once you’re able to get a subject to vlog about, the rest would come easy.

If you just started vlogging, here are some tips on how to shoot a video by yourself.

Post Production

The bulk of your success comes from what you do after recording! A bad post-production software could very well make your Vlogmas a disaster. That is why you need to use only what would work for you. The ideal video editor should be simple enough for the beginner to use and advanced enough to let the pros work their magic. 

This is why we’d recommend using Animotica, our simple, yet awesome video editor, for your post-production!

Final Words

Whether you’re a newling or a veteran in the vlogosphere, Vlogmas is something you’d really enjoy doing.

It is challenging, but it is rewarding. With these ideas, we hope you’ve had your light-bulb moment!

Feel free to pour in your ideas in the comment section. We’ll be watching!

Merry Vlogmas!